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We have several alpacas available for sale; for breeding or for pets. Please call Alicia at the Farm Store for more information on how you can purchase an alpaca today. 330.868.5353

Thunderbolt is a male Huacaya alpaca born on June 1, 2014. He is the son of King Arthur and River Rock's Tabitha. He looks much like his father and is a true black color.

River Rock's Tabitha is a female Huacaya alpaca born on June 18, 2008. She is a medium silver gray color with a white face. She came to the farm all the way from Oregon when she was six months old. She is the mama of Keshini and Rosebud.

General Patton is a male Huacaya alpaca born on August 1, 2008. He is a mixture of white and light fawn colors. His father is General Cotton and mother is La Multi, both from the Alpaca Spring Valley Farm.

Mountain Sky's Ice Princess is a female Huacaya alpaca born on September 30, 2011. She is a light fawn colored alpaca. She is a cute gal with a small head and short nose, and she does act just like a princess!!

Rosebud is a female Huacaya alpaca born June 8, 2012. Her parents from Alpaca Spring Valley farm are King Arthur and La Multi. She is a dark-brown to true black color.

Kayla's Rose is a female alpaca born May 23, 2007. She is a Huacaya alpaca and her coat is a beautiful silver gray with a white face. We call her our "Yoda Girl" and she comes with an attitude of "It's my way or the highway". Nevertheless she is a wonderful alpaca and we love her very much.

Gypse Rosalee is a female Huacaya alpaca born July 18, 2008. She is the daugher of General Cotton and La Stephanie from Alpaca Spring Valley Farm, and is a Dark Brown Color. She is one of our "princesses" on the farm as you can see from her stance in the photo.

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